We can help you make a variety of noncash gifts to benefit Boston Ballet.
Retirement Plan Assets
The easiest way to make your gift of retirement plan assets is to name Boston Ballet as a primary or secondary beneficiary on your plan’s beneficiary designation form. Retirement plans (IRA, 401(k), or 403(b)) assets may be subject to both estate and income tax before an individual – other than spouse – can receive them after your death. Combined taxes on retirement plan assets may reduce the amount by as much as 75%.
Since Boston Ballet is a non-profit, we won’t pay income tax on the distribution, nor will the gift be subject to estate tax. This mean the entire amount comes to us, and your heirs will benefit from the reduced estate tax burden.
Life Insurance
Do you have a life insurance policy your family no longer needs? Make Boston Ballet the beneficiary of your policy, and your estate will receive a charitable deduction from the estate taxes for that gift.
Real Estate
Use your real estate (residence, vacation home, or other investment property) asset to make a gift to Boston Ballet. Make a gift of real estate through a bequest, or use your real estate to create a life income gift. You can even gift the Ballet your home, retain the right to live in the home for the rest of your life and receive a current income tax deduction.
We are proud to honor those who have included Boston Ballet in their long term plans with membership in the Cathryn Keith Society. Click here to learn more. Have questions about gift planning? Please contact the Development Department at 617.456.6239 with any questions you may have.
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You should consult with your attorney and tax advisor to determine how these various options might affect your personal tax and estate-planning objectives.