Romance, Magic, Tragedy, and Triumph
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Reserve your favorite seats for a season of dance sure to steal your heart and awaken your senses. Subscribers are eligible for spectacular seats and exclusive benefits.
Current Subscribers
Thank you for your continued support. To renew your subscription, please contact the Boston Ballet Box Office (617.695.6955, 19 Clarendon Street, Boston MA, 02116, M-F 9:30 am-5 pm)
New Subscribers
Please call the Boston Ballet Box Office or visit in person to place your order*. (617.695.6955, 19 Clarendon Street, Boston MA, 02116, M-F 9:30 am-5 pm).
New subscriptions are now available online.
Seated and Flex options are available. Call the Boston Ballet Box Office if you have questions about which is right for you.

Subscribe to a 4- or 5-ballet package and reserve your priority seats for Swan Lake!
Seated Subscriptions
Select dates from week 1 or week 2, but all dates must be in the same week and occur on the same day and time.

Flex Subscriptions and Ballet Pass
Flex Pass: 4- and 3-ballet packages available. Select the ballets now and choose the dates and seats later.
Ballet Pass: The ultimate in flexibility - Four tickets to be used in any way you want, for any season ballet.

James Whiteside and Misa Kuranaga in George Balanchine's Theme and Variations ©The George Balanchine Trust, Melissa Hough and John Lam in Helen Pickett's Eventide, Jeffrey Cirio and John Lam in Wayne McGregor's Chroma, all by Gene Schiavone. Larissa Ponomarenko in Val Caniparoli's Lady of the Camellias by Eric Antoniou.