Through its work on stage, in the studio, and in the greater Boston area, Boston Ballet is recognized as one of Boston’s cultural jewels, a major arts educator, and an enduring feature of the city’s diverse landscape.
Celebrate and strengthen your corporate reputation with an investment in a “best in class” performing arts organization. With a focus on brand alignment, enhanced partnership benefits, and innovative programs, we seek to associate our valued institutional donors with a product of unparalleled excellence and tradition.
Each Boston Ballet season offers a comprehensive range of opportunities for targeted corporate partnership and engagement. Boston Ballet’s audience represents a broad cross-section of the greater Boston community with over 9,400 subscribers and a total annual audience of over 147,000.
Learn more about:
Sponsorship Opportunities
Corporate Membership
For more information, please contact Richard Armstrong, Director of Corporate and Institutional Relations at rarmstrong@bostonballet.org or 617.456.6338.
Brake the Eyes by Gene Schiavone.