Boston Ballet School Prinicpal Pianist
Tatyana Foaksman began her career in Ukraine before moving to the United States with her family in 1994. In 1996, she joined the Boston Ballet School as a full-time pianist. As a pianist for BBS, Tatyana has played for all upper-level classes, as well as for company classes. In addition to her broad range of knowledge and skills playing traditional ballet classes, Tatyana specializes in 'character' class. She has worked with many world-known ballet masters such as Madame Legat, Tatyana Terekhova, Sergei Berezhnoi, Suzanne Farrell, Fernando Bujones and many others. As a solo pianist, she has performed in many school productions, such as "Allegro Brilliante," "Napoli," and "Swan Lake'' .
In 2009, Tatyana was promoted to Principal Pianist for the Boston Ballet School and has recently joined the Boston Ballet Company Music Staff. In addition to rehearsals and class, Ms. Foaksman currently leads training sessions for ballet accompanists where she has the opportunity to share her knowledge and skills with young pianists.
Tatyana Foaksman received her M.S. degree at the Kharkov Conservatory in Ukraine as a piano teacher, soloist, chamber player, and accompanist. She is married to Alex Foaksman, the Principal/Solo Pianist of the Boston Ballet Company, and has a daughter.